Taking a Leap of Faith

I want to continue my serious of performance memories, especially since the next in the series is about my favorite performances, but today I took a leap of faith with teaching.

This morning, I made a few cold calls to places in my community that could benefit from offering dance lessons. I am hoping to get my foot in the door at a few places this summer and slowly built my teaching hours. I also applied to an open position at a studio that is a ways away from my house, but could be totally worth it.

Cold calls are always hard, especially when it comes to selling your own services- dance lessons. I wasn’t expecting to hear back from one place, especially not right away, but I have an interview set up to speak with them next week. I am not sure if anything will come of it, but a meet-up is certainly a step forward towards my goals.

One of the entrepreneurial puzzles that I have been trying to solve lately is how to build clients and find a space to teach lessons without having the large overhead of renting a space when I don’t yet have students. I am hoping that by teaching my dance lessons at local community centers that I can do exactly that- build a student base and earn some extra cash that I can eventually put towards my start-up costs.

Sending out my resume is a huge leap of faith right now as I navigate multiple schedules and busy season at my full-time job. It’s messy waters at the moment figuring out ways to add more teaching opportunities without loosing the needed stability of my day job. I have made a huge and hard step with reaching out and offering my services, but I have a long way to go.

I am asking for positive thoughts, prayers, vibes, whatever you’ve got to help me through this messy phase of pre-start up and work towards my goals of studio ownership. And of course, I will continue to chronicle the highs and lows.

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